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Please note: To order a QSC (Generator), you must first fill out the from on the QSC page:     Once sent, we will then be in touch with you to let you know when your order is ready (built and ready to ship) and then send a link to purchase.    Also, the Elohim are going to ensure the first waves of the QSC’s go to where they feel they need to be geographically.  Which means that these will be offered to those that the Elohim see as a priority at that moment.  As such, there will not be a ‘waiting list’ in order of form submission time.  We thank you for your excitment and enthusiasm, but this must of course unfold in the optimal way :).  Please also note that we cannot respond to requests to order the QSC’s through the contact form if you haven’t yet filled in the QSC request form.  However, if you have filled in the QSC request form but haven’t had a response from us to confirm you form submission, please let us know by using the contact form below.
Elohim Quantum Creations is operated as part of ISEE Innovations LLC Contact Us Disclaimer: All of the work, information, techniques, ideas, concepts, solutions and products presented here in this entire website, and in all (ISEE Innovations LLC) literature, are expressly the views and perspectives of (ISEE Innovations LLC) only. They are not, and have not been, endorsed, evaluated, recognised or understood by any mainstream academic or medical body or institution and should only ever be taken as the view and philosophy of (ISEE Innovations LLC). None of what is presented here, including the innovations of (ISEE Innovations LLC), are intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease and an appropriate medical consultant should be used for such. Aspects relating to experiences with them are purely personal testimonials for helpfulness and not intended as a claim of performance verification. All of the (ISEE Innovations LLC) innovations are continually evolving. As such, (ISEE Innovations LLC) may make changes in the design, appearence and function of the systems without any prior notice.
QSC Request From Click here to be taken to the live-stream channel and subscribe If you would like to get in touch with us, including to be added to the mailing list (so that you can keep up to date with live-stream announcements and other news), please email us at: